A Conversation Starter from the Task Force on Drugs and Alcohol
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Here is a monthly conversation starter from the Scarsdale Task Force on Drugs and Alcohol. Start a dialogue by asking your kids...
Q: Why is it dangerous to drive a car after consuming alcohol?
A: Alcohol consumption by minors, even in small quantities, leads to impaired coordination, slowing of reflexes, and impaired judgment. These effects can be deadly when an intoxicated teen is behind the wheel of a car. Alcohol use is responsible for significant mortality among youth. Alcohol is implicated in a majority of teen driving fatalities. 25% of drivers ages 15-20 who died in motor vehicle crashes had been drinking alcohol.
The Scarsdale Task Force on Drugs and Alcohol is a community action group comprised of parents, students, teachers, school administrators; representatives from village, local and civic organizations; and religious institutions. Since its founding in 1984, the Task Force has worked in our community to educate youth and adults about drugs and alcohol, help people develop drug free attitudes and habits, and recommend resources to those whose lives are affected by drug and alcohol dependency.
Letter from the CSEA President
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To the Editor: Charmian Neary owes an apology to each of the 38 CSEA members who lost their jobs December 31st when County Executive Rob Astorino violated the county charter and illegally fired them from their positions with the Westchester County Section 8 office. Her March 16th letter posted on Scarsale10583.com contained statements that are completely untrue, painting an unfair and inaccurate picture of our county workforce.
Yes, CSEA and the 38 workers who were illegally fired are pursuing litigation. While other hardworking CSEA members also lost their jobs in this recent round of budget cuts, Astorino apparently decided in the case of these 38 jobs that he was going to thumb his nose at the county charter and fire these workers even though he lacked any authority to do so. This isn’t about wanting to “obstruct government and stymie fiscal reform.” Illegal is illegal. The rules are the rules. They apply to everyone, believe it or not. We had no choice but to pursue litigation.
CSEA has become accustomed to the Astorino spin machine’s efforts to pit residents against county workers (who, I may point out, are also residents and taxpayers in Westchester County). In an attempt to turn the conversation away from his own wrongdoing in these firings, Astorino issued a missive via his “Taxpayer Watch” e-mail blast system that contained blatant lies about the litigation related to the illegal Section 8 firings. Now Ms. Neary has taken those same talking points and run with them, misleading the readers of this website by restating the same drivel from Astorino’s original e-mail.
Despite what Ms. Neary wrote , county legislators have not joined this lawsuit. Despite what Ms. Neary wrote, Astorino lacked the authority to do what he did. Despite what Ms. Neary wrote, this has nothing to do with "currying political favor." Had Ms. Neary done some fact-checking before submitting her letter, she would see that the Board of Legislators is not a plaintiff. Of course, this inaccurate statement came directly from Astorino’s e-mail, so I’m not surprised to see the same lie resurface.
I realize that Ms. Neary is a political operative, as described in the biographical note at the end of her letter, but it is one thing to have an opinion; spewing inaccurate information in an attempt to turn the public against the victims in this case is another thing altogether.
Billy Riccaldo
CSEA Southern Region President
Beacon, New York
Jewelry Found at the Golden Horseshoe
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In The Center Ring
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Many Westchester County residents work in New York City. We get our news from the Wall Street Journal or the New York Times. As a result we're often more aware of the political situation in Washington than here in Westchester where we live. That's understandable but with Westchester now ranked as the highest taxed county in the nation it would benefit us all to start paying attention.
The 2009 county executive election was an indication that some of us, at least, are doing so as 12-year incumbent Andy Spano was voted out of office in favor of Rob Astorino, who ran on a platform of overhauling Westchester's bloated and inefficient system of government.
However only 22% of voters in Westchester bothered to come to the polls. This fall the entire county legislature – 17 men and women – is up for re-election.
If you care about your rising county taxes this is an election you might want to start following and here is why.
Last year, County Executive Rob Astorino canceled the county's contract with the state to administer the Section 8 housing program. Eligible citizens still receive section 8 – the county just does not run the program anymore as it cost us more money than we were reimbursed by the state - over a million a year more. That makes sense, right?
Well, not to the legislators who represent you in White Plains. They voted to restore the program without the contract. That's right. There is no more contract – therefore no reimbursement – but the board restored the program anyway. Astorino vetoed the line naturally, and they then overrode his veto.
This is what they are spending their time and your money doing. Reinstating a program that no longer exists to protect the jobs of 38 CSEA members.
Can you figure out why? Who do you think will get the CSEA checks next election?
Anyway, Astorino then laid off the employees, as is his right, so the CSEA did what unions do and they sued to get the jobs restored - to a program that no longer exists.
If you're still with me - here is where this circus crosses the line to absurdity.
Although the CSEA is suing the County they are really suing you and me, the taxpayers, since we pay for all lawsuits - legitimate or not. So the CSEA is suing us - but your county legislature joined the suit - on the side of the CSEA ! That's right, against us, the tax payers. We are being sued and our county legislature is backing the union that is suing us. Or another way to look at it is - our legislators are suing the taxpayers.
It gets worse, or better , depending on how much humor you find in these things. The board then sued to prevent Rob Astorino from using the county attorney, whom he appointed, to represent us, and again for whom we pay taxes. No, said our board, the county attorney must represent "the County"- which they define as the board of legislators -and join with them and the CSEA in suing us. Astorino,to defend us, must hire his own counsel.
I wish I were oversimplifying this but I'm not. Yes we need to do all we can to retain jobs in Westchester, but not paid for with taxes when they're no longer necessary.
This is what your county legislators are engaged in right now. Theater of the absurd every other Monday in White Plains. And they're getting away with it because we have too much going on in our lives to monitor something as ridiculous as this. Besides we elect our representatives to do that for us and trust that they will do the right thing. But sadly, they don't.
Remember taxes aren't high so poor children get a hot breakfast – taxes are high because the people we elect to represent us are engaged with straight faces in this kind of garbage. All the corruption could stop tomorrow and we'd still be in the hole because they waste our money every day this way.
William Ryan represents Scarsdale and Mary Jane Shimsky represents Greenburgh in the County Legislature. You should ask your legislator why currying favor with the public employee union is a priority over representing you.
The Chairman of the Board of Legislators is a man named Ken Jenkins, known to most of us more as a talking head on News 12 giving us his spin on the political scene. There is talk that he's after Astorino's job but I'm sure that has nothing to do with this effort to obstruct government and stymie fiscal reform.
I'm sure it's because he and his colleagues are convinced things are fine just the way they are now and that we the taxpayers agree.
I've got two words for Mr. Jenkins. Andy Spano.
Charmian Neary is a bored housewife and former political operative from Rye New York who is much better at politics than homemaking.
Edgemont School Board Nominating Committee Selects Curtis and Nanavaty
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The Edgemont School Board Nominating Committee has recommended Michaeline Curtis and Anish Nanavaty to fill the two impending vacancies on the Edgemont Board of Education. The Committee is fortunate to have had three very strong nominees, and although the Committee did not recommend Wasim Salimi for a second term, the Committee is extremely thankful for his devoted service and positive contributions to the Edgemont school district and community.
The Committee will host its annual Candidates' Forum on April 13, 2011, at 8pm in the Greenville school cafeteria, where all candidates seeking election to the Board will be invited to answer questions from the Edgemont community. Anyone interested in submitting a question to the candidates at the Forum should submit the question(s) to me as Chair of the SBNC.
I would also like to acknowledge the twenty-one members of the School Board Nominating Committee -- representing seven civic associations, the Edgemont Community Council and the Edgemont student body -- for their hard work, thoughtfulness and dedication throughout the nomination and recommendation process.
Thank you.Marc Ackerman
SBNC Chair
101 Moorland Drive