Wednesday, Jan 01st

DSC01399Wow! I toured the new fitness center at Scarsdale High School and I was impressed. This facility was so nice it could convert the most stubborn couch potatoes into fitness freaks.

After much discussion about the challenges of converting the basement of the high school – below the new gym – into a state of the art fitness facility, it's clear that this evolved into a successful project and a real asset for Scarsdale High School.

First of all the space is big – 6,000 square feet. And despite its location in the basement, it is above grade and a wall of south facing windows brings in plenty of natural light. In several areas of the room, the ceiling grid has been eliminated to accommodate the height of the machines. In addition to all the exercise equipment there is also a roomy floor area with special rubber flooring to facilitate yoga, pilates and stretching exercises.

SHS Athletic Director Ray Pappalardi explained that the vast facility and impressive training equipment can accommodate three classes of students at a time. Though it just opened at the beginning of school it is already being well used by everyone from sports teams and physical education classes to those with mobility challenges who find that the machinery can be accommodated for many purposes.

Pappalardi demonstrated use of the equipment starting with the Tire Lift for weight training saying that it teaches students to "lift the tire in a functionally appropriate way." The room is filled with all sorts of innovative equipment that Pappalardi says would rival the facilities at a Division 1 university.

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We learned about the glut-ham machine and saw four racks of strength training equipment, each with three stations. There are rowing machines, treadmills that incline and decline, three types of elliptical trainers, octane climbing steps, cybex functional trainers and rows of stationary bicycles with video screens, similar to Pelotons.

We also saw "The Tank" which looks like a heavy cart on wheels that is pushed and pulled for strength training.

The facility is fully wired and has large video screens that can be used for instruction. Students will soon be able to use their personal devices to monitor their exercise and performance. Pappalardi noted that this feature allows students to measure themselves and work out to achieve their own personal best rather than gage themselves against group performance.

Pappalardi thanked the Scarsdale Foundation and Maroon and White for their contributions and the Madoff family for their generous donation that was used to purchase the exercise equipment.

It's an outstanding facility. If you get the chance, take a tour.

PaulinAfter seven years of studies, architectural drawings, discussion, village board approval, and a "quiet" phase of the fundraising campaign, the Scarsdale Public Libray took a major step toward its renovation and upgrading with the "groundbreaking" on Tuesday morning at the Supply Field building that will serve as a temporary library during construction.

Speakers at the celebratory gathering that included village trustees and officials, current and former library board trustees and supporters, praised the co-operative efforts of the Library Board Trustees, Friends of the Library and the village and its staff for making a transformed library a reality.

Special praise was given to Scarsdale Assemblywoman Amy Paulin why secured $500,000 in state funding for work to prepare the Supply Field building for use as the interim facility.

"I know I share with all of you a goal to leave Scarsdale better than we found it, and Supply Field is a concrete step that makes lasting improvements possible for the library and Scarsdale Village," said Diane Greenwald, Library Board President.

Calling Scarsdale "special," Paulin thanked those involved "for taking on the initiative." She recalled the day seven years ago when a group came to her office to discuss the project. "I was uncertain it would happen," she said, "but you continued, and this is where we are today."BethBermel

Dara Gruenberg, President of the Friends of the Library and co-chair of the Campaign for Excellence, noted that to date the campaign has raised $5.7 million toward its goal of $7.5 million which would initiate the village bonding the rest of the cost. She said the event kicked-off the public phase of the Campaign for Excellence fund-raising.

"I'm honored to live in a community that comes together and invests in such a critical resource that will benefit so many, not only right now, but for generations to come," Gruenberg said.

An emotional Elizabeth Bermel, Library Director, who noted that this week marks her eighth anniversary in Scarsdale, thanked the library staff and all those who "have been on this journey with me." She said Library Loft, the name for the interim facility, is scheduled for completion in early spring and the move from Olmstead Road library would take place when ground is broken at that facility.

At Supply Field "we will offer new and popular materials for all ages, wi-fi access, circulation services, and the same great personal service and more." Plans include increasing the library's online presence and providing programs offsite for children, teens and adults. "Stay turned to learn more as our plans solidify," she said.

Scarsdale Mayor Dan Hochvert recalled his introduction to a library in the 1940s by his older sister in their hometown of Buffalo. There were books and silence, no meeting spaces, cellphones or internet, he recalled. "The world has changed, but people need to have space to work together." He thanked the village staff and library groups and said of Paulin, "we have a state representative in Scarsdale who knows when we need help and gets it for us."

Link here for information about the Library Transformation Campaign for Excellence.

1981Prosche911-SCIf it's the beginning of Fall, it must mean it's time for the annual Scarsdale Concours d'Elegance! Back for the 14th year, the vintage and exotic car show brings together collectors, car enthusiasts and just about everyone else for a fantastic day in the commercial center of the Village of Scarsdale. It takes place on Sunday, October 1, from 10:30 to 4:00 pm, and it's all for the benefit of three local charities; this year, the beneficiaries are The Scarsdale and Edgemont Family Counseling Service, The Warrior and Family Assistance Fund, and the Paulie Strong Foundation. The show has raised over $400,000 to date.

The show, which was started in 2003 by two Scarsdale High School students and continues to be run by Scarsdale and Edgemont students, their fathers, and several other local enthusiasts, is expected to feature a spectacular display of vintage and classic Aston Martins, Ferraris, Porsches, Mercedes-Benzes, Packards, Cadillacs, Corvettes and many other exceptional cars. There will also be great food and live music. It's one of the most exciting and anticipated events in Scarsdale every year.

Date: Sunday, October 1, from 10:30 am to 4:00 pm. Suggested admission to benefit our charities is $10 for adults, free for kids under 12.

Tango Clear 5 800px adjNew smart parking meters are being installed in Scarsdale's Village Center as part of a Pilot Program. Residents and visitors can test four different meters as part of the Village's effort to examine user preferences and meter equipment performance prior to replacing exisitng equipment. The information garnered during the pilot period will aid the Village in selecting the parking meter that best meets the needs of residents and visitors frequenting the Village Center.

The pilot program is designed to give the consumer an opportunity to use multi space and smart single space meters, both of which provide various parking payment options. The Village has selected the POM smart single space meter, IPS smart single space meter, the T2 Systems Luke II multi space pay station and the MacKay Tango multi space meter, as the parking meter equipment to be tested in the pilot program.

The new meters will accept quarters as well as credit cards. They can also communicate seamlessly with smartphone parking payment apps, although the use of phone apps will not be part of the meter test period as we want parkers to experience using meters during the test period. In addition to providing consumers with more convenient ways to pay, new parking meter technology will allow the Village to examine detailed parking data to better manage available resources.

Additionally, online and phone surveys will enable consumers to share their views on ease of use, aesthetic preference, and other variables. Each test meter style will have a color-coded marker. The consumer will be able to go online or call the toll free number posted on the meter where they will be prompted to answer a few short questions. Survey answers are anonymous, but if a survey taker provides a single phone number at the end of the survey and they rate each of the four meter types, they are eligible to receive a free gift.

Youll find the new meters in the Village Center bordered on Popham Road, Chase Road, Spencer Place and East Parkway. Equipment is scheduled to be installed by the end of September and the meter test of the equipment will continue thru December 2017.


birchWhile lawmakers in Scarsdale are having difficulty coming up with code to preserve Scarsdale's historic homes, they have been moving forward on preserving the Village's tree canopy. Proposed revisions to the Village code on trees, grass, brush and weed would go a long way toward preventing the destruction of the tree canopy which provide so many benefits to our local environment.

According to the opening paragraph of the new code, trees provide "shade and aesthetic appeal, enhance green space, improve air quality, reduce energy use and atmospheric carbon dioxide, provide and promote habitat for wildlife, impede soil erosion, aid water absorption, inhibit excess runoff and flooding, provide screening, offer a natural barrier to noise and provide other environmental benefits and generally enhance the quality of life within the Village."

In order to preserve trees and prevent residents and developers from removing them without permission, the proposed laws would strengthen provisions on the size and kind of trees that can be removed and require permits before trees are taken down.

Village Trustees met on Tuesday September 12 to review proposed revisions to the law but time did not allow them to complete the discussion, so a second meeting will be scheduled.

In short, here are some of the changes to the provisions under consideration:

While the current code requires a permit for the removal of three or more trees exceeding six inches in the diameter of the tree trunk measured at 54 inches above the ground (DBH), the new law would require a permit for the removal of a single tree greater than six inches DBH.

Certain native trees with narrow trunks (small caliper) would require a permit if their DBH exceeds three inches. They are: serviceberry

Mountain Ash

The applicant may be required to pay the Village to retain a tree expert to supervise and "ensure that any tree removal is carried out in compliance with any permit of an approved land use plan.

New proposed code has been drafted regarding the planting of replacement trees for any tree that is removed that is 24 inches DBH or greater as well as a group of trees removed within a one year period that have an aggregate DBH of 24 inches or greater. For each 24 inches of DBH removed, a replacement tree will need to be planted.

(This should help to restore the landscape when someone removed many small trees whose individual measurements would not require replacement.)

The Village Engineer may require the planting of one or more replacement trees as a condition of granting any tree removal permit. The engineer can require that replacement trees of comparable size or species be planted where existing trees are so large and mature that it is not practical to replace them or require the planting of multiple trees. Where it is not feasible to plant replacement trees the application will be required to make a payment to the Tree Preservation Fun which will be used to purchase and plant replacement trees.

Regarding Heritage trees, the designation of Heritage Trees can be made by the Board of Architectural Review. Heritage trees can only be removed if it is dead, dying, hazardous or diseased as determined by a tree expert and certified in writing. If a protected tree is creating a hardship it may be removed.

Time ran out before the committee could review the balance of the proposed changes to the code. A second meeting will be scheduled but you can review the proposed law here.

Commenting on the proposed legilation at the end of the meeting, Mayor Dan Hochvert said, "We are trying to add value to Scarsdale by maintaining the tree canopy we treasure. We are running out of time. We need to get this going because we are losing canopy. This is a good set of recommendations."