Saturday, Jan 04th

busdrill1What would happen in the event of a major vehicular accident in Scarsdale involving a school bus, a passenger car and a pedestrian? Are our emergency personnel up to the challenge? Is there sufficient equipment and coordination of services to insure that the victims are treated rapidly and with the best standards of care?


That's what David Raizen, President of the Scarsdale Volunteer Ambulance Corps sought to determine when he set up a simulation of a bus accident at the Secor Road sanitation yard on Monday night May 8. The drill involved a bus carrying 45 students hitting a passenger car containing three victims (one infant), resulting in a collision with a pedestrian who ended up under the bus.


The exercise brought together SVAC volunteers, police, firemen as well as EMS teams and ambulance corps from Eastchester, Mamaroneck, Larchmont, Harrison and Corlandt.

busdrill5During the hour and half drill, emergency workers followed protocols to secure the scene and assess the nature of the injuries. Blocks were placed under the wheels of the bus and car to stabilize them. Victims were removed from the two vehicles and triaged according to the severity of their conditions. Those with minor wounds were treated at the scene, while others were placed on stretchers and ferried to the waiting ambulances. Fire personnel made sure that those doing the work and being treated were safe at the site and personnel at the command post tracked where each victim was going.

In addition to the 45 girl and boy scouts posing as the victims, the drill involved close to 50 emergency workers, all practicing their protocols.


Following the drill, Raizen said it went smoothly though there is still a lot to be learned. Current law requires SVAC to bring all victims of a bus accident to the hospital, even if they are not severely injured. Raizen is urging the Scarsdale Schools to assume loco parentis and pick up any uninjured students from the scene of an accident to relieve the burden on the ambulance corps.


Photos by Jon Thaler - see more here:

ML2ML Perlman, a relative newcomer to Scarsdale, will be the next President of the Scarsdale Forum. A rocker who is generations younger than many of her peers in civic life, she moved to town just two years ago and quickly became an ardent volunteer. This year she played a key role in the Scarsdale election for Village Mayor and Trustees, leading the campaign for the Scarsdale Citizens Non-Partisan Party.

We begged her for an interview and here is what she shared:

When did you move to Scarsdale and why did you decide to move here? Did you know someone here?

My husband went to Scarsdale High School (Class of '96)! We bought the second house we saw here two years ago. I never thought Scarsdale would be such an awesome choice for me personally - I knew it was the best option for our kids - however I never thought I would find such connection to the community so quickly. I still work in the city everyday, but I probably have an almost equal number of emails and calls for what's going on in the Dale! I love it!

What do you enjoy about living in the 'Dale?

Everything. Literally. Every morning I wake up hearing the birds chirping outside and I am so grateful to live here. I am not kidding. It may sound corny, but as a big city girl who was raised on the constant grey-noise-growl of the New York City machine, I am in love with the sound of the birds and the rustle of the leaves. I love to mow my own lawn, mulch my own leaves, record music in my basement studio, recycle my food scraps, and install my own light fixtures. In particular I feel so grateful to have gotten involved in the civic club called Scarsdale Forum that has provided me with such a richly diverse, brilliant, and interesting group of friends and colleagues. Even better is that I feel like I can meet anyone in this Village and have something to talk about - and maybe even a project to work on together. I prefer to get to know people working in a team environment with a goal of some kind. Scarsdale's astonishingly vast volunteer community is something I did not understand until after I moved here - and now it is what I value most about our community and my life here.

What do you do in your professional life?

I have been developing multi-family residential real estate in downtown New York City for about 10 years. The company I work for, Alfa Development, targets LEED-Gold Certification (a environmental sustainability accountability program) for all of its developments. It has been a fascinating and inspiring process to understand how a building can be designed to use less natural resources to function. Not all of my job is technical; as the Vice President of Development and Marketing I get to work with architects and engineers - but I also work with the creative arts in interior design, creative agencies, publicity, music production, and art gallery installations. My company founded a gallery in 2007 ( and I have served as the gallery's Executive Director since that time. Working closely with artists and in the creative field is deeply rewarding for me - particularly since I am an artist as well. That sense of artistic collaboration keeps my days fresh and inspiring.

The gallery sounds interesting – what kind of gallery is it?

The gallery was founded in 2007 after we found a collaborative graffiti mural behind a wall of sheetrock in one of our buildings. The find was written about in the NY Times. My company's founder Michael Namer is an artist and long time New York resident and immediately undertook the restoration and preservation of the mural. We hosted a gallery exhibition curated by Hal Meltzer and hosted by Fab 5 Freddy. That first exhibit was the beginning of ten years of exhibitions that celebrate emerging artist of New York with a focus on issues relating to environmental sustainability. For example Bentley Meeker created original works exploring the spectrum of light emitted by LED and incandescent blubs, Oscar Dotter produced an exhibit to address the endangerment of polar bears due to global warming, and my favorite exhibit was a retrospective on the still life as a visual history of our human relationship with food – from Caravaggio to Paul Brainard and Marco Kallach. Some proceeds from the exhibit were donated to Slow Food NYC, a non-profit that seeks to repair "food desert" conditions in low income urban areas with rooftop gardens and agricultural instruction. Next week we are hosting the Acria Unframed annual fundraiser at the gallery – Acria is a non-profit whose leadership comes from within the creative community to fulfill their mission to treat everyone with HIV. The following week on May 17th we are opening our next exhibit by a group of artists called Nitemind who use technology and physical space to create immersive and interactive installations.

I heard you were appointed to the Scarsdale Arts Council. Does this mean Scarsdale will be having more gallery exhibits?

I am honored to have been appointed by Mayor Hochvert as Director at Large to the Scarsdale Arts Council When Trustee Jane Veron approached me about it in her capacity as Personnel Chair of the Board I immediately understood the need for activities within our Village Center that would give our residents a reason to visit more frequently. Art installations are a natural fit - and this is very much my experience over the 10 years developing real estate whole overseeing a gallery. Our Council is excited to share some of our upcoming plans!

We know you enjoy singing – tell us more about that part of your life.

I had early success when a friend of mine and I decided to start a band called "Spalding Rockwell." We had the right mix of musical talent and industry savvy to successfully pursue a music career as a singer/songwriter/engineer/performer for about seven years. I am completely self-taught as a musician and engineer. I wrote a song for a DJ named Armand Van Helden called "Hear My Name" which was very successful when it was released as a single for the album "New York: A Mix Odyssey." In 2004 I was introduced by the Mayor of Miami as the first act of the Ultra Music Festival on BBC Radio One - which was a big deal. That year I was also the face of the Ben Sherman women's ad campaign that featured my band. Around the same time I got married and decided that the life of a touring musician was too grueling and too far from home. My uncle was a real estate developer and encouraged me to get involved in the business - and when I got a taste for the business of building buildings I was absolutely hooked. However I never stopped writing music - I have scored two films for HBO, recently wrote another song for Armand Van Helden called "Spidey Sensei" on his "Extra Dimensional" album that was released in November of 2016, and regularly score promotional videos for the HGU New York hotel my company owns in NYC. Perhaps my favorite almost-achievement is that I wrote a song for Britney Spears called DOULUVME. Britney didn't use the song but that doesn't even matter to me, I still say "I wrote a song for Britney." It was a thrill to even be considered.

How did you get involved with the Scarsdale Forum?

When we first bought our house, we didn't live in it full time. The kids were finishing their school year in Manhattan so while we spent time in Scarsdale, we didn't really have many opportunities to meet people here in town through PTA events. When our neighbors invited us to Forum's 2015 "Winterfest" party, we were grateful to have received a social invitation. At that event we met the then-Mayor Bob Steves, then-incumbent Mayor Jon Mark, and our County Legislator Ben Boykin. My husband and I were impressed with the accessibility, stature, and good nature of the esteemed guests. At my first membership meeting Lena Crandall was so kind to introduce herself and introduce me to others such as Michelle Sterling, Madelaine Eppenstein, and Dan Hochvert. Finding such interesting active and engaged folks was so exciting for me as a new resident.

What do you value most about the Forum?

The amazing people. When I look at the mentorship, guidance, and friendship I have gained from the Forum I am just overwhelmed with gratitude. In particular I must note that I have made friends of all ages with diverse perspectives - which has been a natural but unexpected gift. Merrell Clark is an example of someone I met when I was researching a 1985 survey of the Scarsdale Futures. They survey is still considered the gold standard in our community and I was lucky enough to have been able to speak with Merrell about his involvement. During our conversations, Merrell recommended three books: Of Colonists and Commuters: A History of Scarsdale, A Sort of Utopia, and Scarsdale, From Colonial Manor to Modern Community. Merrell was wise in his suggestion and I endorse his recommendation that any resident read all three. It is through our shared history - of which the oldest in our community are custodians - that I came to realize that we are all part of a substantial and honorable legacy of thought and design; this Village did not just happen, it was made by residents who came before us.

How did you become Vice President of the Forum?

In retrospect I really had no idea what I was getting myself into. And I am glad because had I known I might have said "no" and I am so glad I said "yes." It was before the "Ryan Reval" and before the contested election. Things were quieter a year ago I suppose. In truth most likely a number of more qualified candidates said "no" before I said "yes." Though I like to think that I have put forth a champion effort to rise to the challenge, any success I enjoy is in no small part creditable to the enormous guidance and mentorship I receive - and solicit. In fact, I would say that my strength is my effort to constantly solicit guidance from others. I ask around "who knows about this" or "who is best at that" and I call people up and say "I need your help - can you have coffee with me?" More often than not, I end up making a friend as well as getting good advice along with a nice cup of coffee... and sometimes even a lemon square.

I hope that my story inspires others who don't know where to start - or who feel like they don't have enough experience to get involved. Nonsense! Call me and we can have coffee. We'll get you involved in no time. There is always more work to be done - if you have an hour a week, we'll take it!

Tell us how you were involved in the election:electionnight

I was the Chair of the Campaign Committee for the Scarsdale Citizens Non-Partisan Party (SCNP a.k.a "Row A"). I cannot say enough that the success of the campaign was the talent and will of so many competent and dynamic volunteers behind the scenes. My name was on all the campaign correspondence - but it was a pure team effort. I think all of us on the campaign committee - including the candidates - share a very special bond after that experience. We all worked very closely and achieved a great result together. It was a unique thrill for sure.

Were you surprised at how intense it became?

Absolutely. I was utterly shocked at some of the events that transpired. From my vantage point I witnessed the lowest - and of course the highest moments. Through it all I am so grateful that we had such an incredibly positive and supportive group on the campaign committee - and incredible leadership from the candidates, in particular, Mayor Hochvert. Except for a few instances, it felt like we were always flying a bit above the weather. We never allowed our team to get dragged into the mud because our focus was on something bigger. When you are talking about an idea of a Non-Partisan System - it is bigger than the candidates and it is bigger than one election. It is about integrity and substance beyond the politicking of campaign promises to win one election. Do you know how hard it is to not allow yourself to make a single campaign promise during a hotly contested election? It was a huge challenge, but it made us find something more important. We found a sense of shared purpose and shared values. We never compromised. I am proud of us for that. Really proud.

What were some of your lessons learned or takeaways from the experience of running the campaign?

1) The Non-Partisan system needs a 2-minute whiteboard instructional film by the Khan Academy. The system's value is absolute - but it's kind of confusing at first. This confusion makes the system susceptible to idle or misinformed criticism. This needs to be remedied. I'll work on it.

2) The CNC verifies candidates' credentials. Everyone pads their resumes - when it comes to elected officials, residents should care that candidates have been researched. It matters. CNC provides a great service of research for the community. I am so grateful to those folks for their service.

3) We need to get more people involved running for office and volunteering. While elections are one day out of the year, there are about 20 Village Boards & Councils that accept applications all year long. Don't "just vote" – effect positive change in our community all year long!

4) Most Scarsdalians hate lawn signs.sign

5) We have two ears and one mouth because listening is twice as important.

6) People don't fight as much if they get to know each other first. New rule: Strangers should have dinner together before they start their first argument. (Including comment board arguments.)

7) Politics is not civics. Politics is where we disagree on election day. Civics is the other 364 days a year that we need to work together to get things done.

8) I like civics. I don't like politics.

9) Elections in Scarsdale happen every year. (3 trustees each year, mayor and justice alternating every third year) This is a marathon not a sprint.

10) If I ever ran for office, I would run on a Non-Partisan ticket. I was so proud to support a political party that endorses a candidate's character - and prohibits political promises. What a delightfully refreshing political platform.

11) I learned how to work with people more diligently and improve problem solving and communicate with all levels of government.

When will you become the President of the Scarsdale Forum? What are your plans or goals for the organization?

I will become President at the membership meeting on May 18. I am so grateful to Lena Crandall, the Forum's current President for the year we have spent together working as a team. Lena is such an asset to our organization and I know how much I will be relying on her in the year to come.

I am thrilled to share that at the May 18th meeting, Forum members will be voting on a very special candidate for Vice President: former Mayor Jon Mark. If elected by members, Jon will serve alongside me in what he and I hope is the guiding goal our year of service together: mentorship.

Jon and I would like to call the next generation of civic leaders within our community and offer them the opportunity of involvement with the guidance and mentorship of our civic veterans. There is no "replacement" of the old with the new - on the contrary. We need the guidance, perspective, and knowledge of the oldest in our community to inform and deepen the understanding of newest as they enter their time of involvement - and ideally leadership - in the community. We want the Forum to be a bridge for residents to get more involved with the issues that affect them everyday. We all need to work together. After all, it takes a village.

Anything else you wish to add?

I hope that this interview encourages other residents to get involved. I want people to read this and understand that there is no obstruction to their involvement – but I understand that having guidance and encouragement in the beginning makes everyone feel more comfortable. I will always be grateful to Mayor Hochvert who went out of his way when I was a new resident to make me feel involved – and welcome. My goal is to help other residents feel like they have a community supporting them; just as Mayor Hochvert helped me. I think we are all at our best when we are helping each other. Let's do more of that.

18BerwickAResidents of Berwick Road in Fox Meadow were awoken by the sounds of two men running through their home around 2 am on Wednesday April 19. According to Captain Thomas Altizio of the Scarsdale Police, the husband and wife heard the suspects making noise and confronted them. The husband grabbed one of the suspects, attempting to detain him – and the wife chased the other one out of the house. After both suspects fled through the front door, the residents called 911. None of their injuries were serious enough to required medical attention.

Police cannot be certain whether there was a car involved, but believe the suspects may have parked one nearby and used it to leave the area.

The suspects, who were wearing masks, did get away with a few items and also left forensic evidence in the house that police have sent to the lab for analysis. This evidence is the police's best shot at identifying the burglars.

Police suspect that this was a crime of opportunity made by petty thieves who were roaming the neighborhood and may have noticed an open window. Captain Altizio says that substance abusers sometimes look for easy ways to steal items like phones, ipads and credit cards to feed their habits. There is no reason to believe this home was targeted.

Police do not believe that this crime was connected in any way to the theft of a Porsche and a Mercedes Benz overnight on Sunday April 16th, also in Fox Meadow. Captain Altizio suspects that the car thefts were the work of experienced thieves who target high-end cars by make and model and often export them abroad. Similar similar car thefts have occurred recently in other towns such as Greenwich. Police believe these two cars may have already left the country.tvcameras

The investigation into the burglary is ongoing, and anyone with information relating to this incident is encouraged to call the Scarsdale Police Department at 914-722-1200 or use their anonymous tips feature here:

Television trucks and cameras were present outside the home on Berwick Wednesday morning. A house across the street is under construction.

The incident has shaken many who are taking precautions, setting their burglar alarms at night and keeping windows locked. One Fox Meadow woman she was contemplating installing a panic button next to her bed with a line to the police.


keyincarScarsdale Police Chief Andrew Matturo gave the following update at the April 25th meeting of the Scarsdale Board of Trustees on police response to the burglary of an occupied home on Berkwick Road and the theft of two cars last week. He also told residents what they could do to secure their homes and property.

Here are his remarks:
Thank you for the opportunity to speak tonight to update you on the progress of the recent burglary on Berwick Road as well as sharing what the police department is doing to address property crime and crime prevention throughout the Village.

With regard to Berwick Road our detectives have gathered evidence from the scene and have been analyzing it. They have been working nonstop with Investigators from the Westchester County District Attorney's Office, to obtain additional information. We are canvasing for video from private residences as well as commercial locations, which will also be analyzed.

Information that we have received through our investigation does not indicate that this residence was specifically targeted, prior to the incident. I can also report that we have recovered a vehicle which was stolen the week of the 4/17 from the Scarsdale Meadows area. That vehicle is also being processed for evidence. Our goal is to conduct a thorough investigation and to apprehend the individuals responsible. Although I can't elaborate further at this time I am very encouraged by the progress and direction of these investigations.

To date, we have experience 6 burglaries Village wide, 2 in Scarsdale Meadows, 1 in West Quaker Ridge, 2 in Drake Edgewood and 1 in Fox Meadow. During the same time period in 2016 we had experienced 16 burglaries Village wide. I attribute the reduction to several factors.

One is the deployment of additional patrols in areas with patterns of increased criminal activity since January our officers logged over 2,000 hours of burglary patrol. Another is aggressive patrol that yielded useful information and intelligence that directly led to the arrests of individuals responsible for property crimes throughout the village and by continuously working with other police agencies and the Westchester County Intelligence center. A key component was an increase in the number of calls we received from residents reporting suspicious behavior.

In February of this year we arrested 3 individuals who were responsible for 2 burglaries in Drake Edgewood and 1 burglary in Secor Farms we are continuing investigating past burglaries and believe we may be able to connect these individuals to several more burglaries that occurred in 2016. We also arrested 3 individuals in February who were responsible for larcenies that occurred in Greenacres.

When I briefed the Board last, I had mentioned the decline in property crime over the years and although it does little to comfort those who have been victims recently, it does give us some perspective that our efforts do have an impact on preventing criminal acts and property crime. Our deployment of personnel coupled with our use of technology has benefited us in preventing crime and in making arrests. We have had our covert camera along with another convert camera deployed in the Fox Meadow area for several months. Unfortunately these cameras have not been as effective as our mobile license plate readers (LPR's). The Department utilizes 2 LPR's in affected areas throughout the village on each tour of duty 24 hours a day. Since January of this year our LPR's picked up 466,498 license plate reads. The Village recognizes the benefit of the LPR and authorized the purchase of the second unit last year. Each unit costs approximately 19,000.00 and we are exploring the possibility of acquiring additional units through grants whether available at the federal, state or county level.

To emphasize what the Mayor has said, although it is impossible to stop all crime from occurring, we can prevent a great deal of it from happening through a combination of proactive police patrols, Citizen Involvement, by reporting activity and by residents protecting themselves by activating their alarms, utilizing strong locks on doors and windows and implementing proven crime prevention techniques. Residents can find more of these recommendations on the Village's web site in the Police Section under "Crime Information." In 2016 of those residences with alarms 62% were not on at the time of the break in. And in 2017 91% of the vehicles that were entered in the village were unlocked.

Recently, while on patrol overnight, our officers have been making contact with residents to let them know that their garage doors are open and in some cases the door to the interior of the home has been unlocked and cars that are in the open garages are unlocked and have their keys in them.

We have to use this opportunity to get the message out to our residents that we need to work together in keeping Scarsdale safe. I am making our officers available to meet with various neighborhood associations to speak about what is happening in their particular area and to discuss ways that residents can help the department.

BRPPath2Good news for bikers and joggers: You will no longer have to leave the Bronx River bike path to traverse Scarsdale. The Westchester County Parks Department is planning to extend the path through the gap by adding a 1.6 mile stretch between Scarsdale and Hartsdale.

The county had originally proposed to build the path on the east side of the parkway in 2008 but met objections from Fox Meadow residents who did not want the path abutting their yards. The Parks Department went back to the drawing board and some nine years later have come up with a new plan to build the path on the west side of the Bronx River Parkway, running parallel to the pipeline.

David DeLucia, Director of Parks Facilities for Westchester County was invited to a meeting at Scarsdale Village Hall on April 12 to explain the scope of the work. The $6.7 million project calls for an eight-foot wide path that traverses the Bronx River Parkway underneath the Crane Road Bridge. Once across, walkers, joggers and bikers will travel 1.6 miles on what DeLucia called a "pleasant and natural route."

In Hartsdale, the path will pass underneath the Fenimore Road Bridge and continue to the Greenacres Avenue Bridge where a ramp will take users up to the top of the bridge. The new ten-foot wide sidewalk on the top of the bridge will become part of the path – which will then extend the path over the bridge and onto the existing path opposite Hitchcock Church. From there the path continues past the County Tennis Courts and into White Plains.

Stone retaining walls will line any steep portions of the ride and these walls will be finished with a material that can easily be washed if graffiti artists strike. It will require the removal of 208 trees along the pathway and hopefully many will be replaced.brppath

The County is now soliciting proposals for the work and plans to have it completed in 18 months. For those who are wondering where their county taxes go, this new path will be one tangible benefit of those payments.