Tuesday, Dec 31st

bingo nightAlmost 50 parents and children attended the Fourth Annual Bingo night on March 2. The energy in the room was electric as kids and parents alike sat on the edge of their seats, waiting for that final number to be called by Craig Fuehrer, who strong voice made him the ideal announcer. Winners were able to choose from a bevy of items at the generous prize table. For those who needed refreshments, candies, cookies and drinks were readily available and provided renewed commitment to the game.

Since its inception over 65 years ago, the SHS PTA Scholarship Fund for College has helped to make college a reality for more than 800 Scarsdale students. 100% of the funds raised each year goes directly towards the tuition payments of graduating high school students. The impact of this committee is significant; last year it awarded $87,00 in grants. Committee members appreciate the community's support of this important resource.

volunteerThe Personnel Committee of the Village Board is asking residents interested in volunteering to serve on Village Boards, Councils and Committees to submit their names for consideration. New terms will begin April 3, 2017. Candidates interested in serving on any Board, Council or Committee should apply.

Trustee Jane Veron, Chair of the Personnel Committee, said interested residents are encouraged to submit their own names, together with a listing of community service and relevant professional background. It is also helpful for Scarsdale residents to provide written suggestions of individuals who should be considered for appointment. Please submit contact information including email addresses. The information may be submitted in one of two ways:

Via the Village Website – At www.scarsdale.com, click "Government", then "Boards and Councils". Under "Quick Links", open the "Boards, Commissions, and Councils Online Application" and follow the on-screen instructions.

• Via Village Hall – Alternatively, the information may be forwarded to Trustee Jane Veron at Scarsdale Village Hall, 1001 Post Road, Scarsdale NY 10583

All materials should be received at the Village website or Village Hall by March 8, 2017. Residents should feel free to contact the Personnel Committee Chair, Jane Veron e-mail at [email protected]. You may also contact the Village Clerk, Donna Conkling at 914-722-1175 or via e-mail at [email protected] for further information.

Pursuant to the general policy adopted by the Village Board, guidelines for membership on Scarsdale's appointed Boards, Councils and Committees cover four areas:

1. Residency
Boards, Committees and Advisory Councils are comprised of residents of the Village. While comments from outside the community can be sought as needed, actions recommended or taken by Boards, Committees and Advisory Councils should ultimately reflect the views of Village residents.

2. Professional or Business Affiliation
Various professional skills and training are required by Village law or deemed desirable by the Village Board of Trustees for the successful fulfillment of some Board, Council or Committee charters.

3. Civic Interest and Involvement
The majority of the members of Village Boards and Councils are appointed by reason of demonstrated interest in Village affairs, through volunteer involvement. Scarsdale is the beneficiary of a long history of voluntary civic endeavors. Since the overriding purpose of Boards, Committees and Councils is to assure the continuation of high community standards, it is appropriate that members on Boards, Committees and Councils be those residents who have demonstrated willingness and initiative to work in support of this objective.

4. Specialized Knowledge
Certain Boards, Committees and Councils benefit by having one or more members with specialized knowledge. For example, the Cable Television Commission benefits by having people with knowledge of the communications industry; the Advisory Council on People with Disabilities would benefit from the experience of residents with disabilities; the Advisory Council on Youth would benefit from people who have worked with young people.

The following are the terms of office, and responsibilities for members appointed to the Boards, Councils and Committees:

BOARD OF APPEALS - (5 years - one term). Rules on appeals from zoning requirements, including setbacks; on permits for construction of swimming pools and tennis courts, and on non-conforming uses.

BOARD OF ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW - (3 years - two terms). Its basic purpose is to preserve the character and appearance of the Village. Review of all applications involving construction of buildings, or additions to, or reconstruction of existing buildings affecting the exterior appearance.

PLANNING BOARD - (5 years - one term). Advises Village Board on master planning; rules on applications for sub-division of lots, street designations, construction in wetland areas and non-residential buildings.

BOARD OF ETHICS - (5 years - one term). Possible conflicts of interest or other
issues of ethics affecting Village personnel are referred to this Board by the Board of Trustees.

CABLE TELEVISION COMMISSION - (5 years - open-ended terms). Administers and monitors the Cable Franchise Agreements with the Village and encourages use of the cable access channels.

CONSERVATION ADVISORY COUNCIL - (2 years - open-ended terms). Advises the Village Board on such matters as programs, areas, facilities, public relations and other matters pertaining to conservation of the environment.

COMMITTEE FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION - (3 years - two terms). Determines if a structure located in the Village for which a permit for demolition has been requested is a structure of historical importance.

LIBRARY BOARD - (5 years - one term). Responsible for the administrative and operating policies of the Scarsdale Public Library. Operates independently of the Village Board and selects its own President.

ADVISORY COUNCIL ON PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES - (2 years - open-ended terms). Advises and assists the Village Board in matters of concern to residents with disabilities. Assists with programs and activities, increases public awareness of the needs of the disabled, acts as liaison with other Advisory Councils, and promotes participation in community affairs by disabled persons.

ADVISORY COUNCIL ON HUMAN RELATIONS - (2 years - open-ended terms). Considers and recommends actions at the request of the Village Board to foster mutual respect and understanding among all members of the community.

ADVISORY COUNCIL ON PARKS AND RECREATION - (2 years - open-ended terms). Promotes the recreation program in the Village and advises the Village Board on the use of Village parks for recreation and passive uses, recommends the use or non-use of all open space, and acts as a liaison between the Village Board and the community on all matters relating to recreation and parks.

ADVISORY COUNCIL ON SCARSDALE SENIOR CITIZENS - (2 years - open-ended terms). Advises and assists the Board of Trustees in all matters concerning the senior citizens of the Village of Scarsdale.

TOWN BOARD OF ASSESSMENT REVIEW - (5 years – open-ended terms). This Board reviews property tax grievances filed with respect to property tax assessments.

ADVISORY COUNCIL ON TECHNOLOGY - (2 years - open-ended terms). This Council has a broad mandate in advising the Village Board and staff on technological matters. It provides advice, explores strategic options, and develops recommendations on how the Village Board can best utilize technology, including the Internet to improve efficiencies.

ADVISORY COUNCIL ON YOUTH - (2 years - open-ended terms). Advises and assists the Board of Trustees in responding to the needs of Scarsdale's young people and works to generate a favorable climate for growth and development of youth in the community.

JUDICIAL QUALIFICATIONS ADVISORY COMMITTEE - (5 years - two terms). The Committee's function is to assist the Citizens' Nominating Committee and the Mayor, respectively with the selection of individuals who are qualified for the offices of Village Justice and Acting Village Justice.

REPRESENTATIVE TO SCARSDALE ARTS COUNCIL - (2 years - open-ended terms). At-large representative (total of 4 appointed by the Village Board) to the Scarsdale Arts Council Board. The Council's mission is to encourage the arts to flourish in Scarsdale by, among other methods, improving communication among arts programs and by attracting grant support and to raise public awareness and participation in the arts.

see-sayOver the past several weeks there has been quite a bit of activity where the Scarsdale Police Department has made several arrests for various offenses. I have spoken at a Village Board Meeting about property crime and we have put crime prevention tips and recommendations on our Village web site along with asking residents to call us when they observe suspicious behavior.

These recent arrests are the result of a combination of diligent police work by our officers on the street, ongoing investigations by our Investigation Section and an increase in calls from our residents reporting suspicious behavior.

I wanted to take a moment to sincerely thank our community for their assistance and encourage everyone to continue to call.

Chief Andrew Matturro

johnharrisScarsdale attorney John B. Harris is the principal author of an Amicus Brief to the U.S. Court of Appeals 9th Circuit on behalf of the Anti-Defamation League ("ADL") objecting to President Donald Trump's recent executive order to ban travel into the United States from seven majority-Muslim nations.

The brief is not a typical synopsis of legal issues. Rather, it is a review of the United States' long history of welcoming immigrants and the tragic consequences of times when America turned away from its core values, such as when the United States turned away Jewish refugees desperately seeking safety aboard the St Louis during World War II, excluded immigrants from China and interned Japanese Americans.

The brief quotes luminaries in American history such as John Winthrop who "admonished the future colonists of Massachusetts to always remember that their new community would be "as a city upon a hill." It recalls Walt Whitman, Emma Lazarus and John F. Kennedy who in his book "A Nation of Immigrants" wrote, ""America has always been a refuge from tyranny. As a nation conceived in liberty, it has held out to the world the promise of respect for the rights of man."

Harris' law firm, Frankfurt Kurnit Klein & Selz in Manhattan, submitted the brief on behalf of ADL where Harris is the Chair of the ADL Legal Affairs Committee. He said, "The U.S. has been and should be a beacon of hope for refugees from war-torn countries and for victims of persecution."

Read the entire brief here:


berklee1Edgemont students braved the snowstorm over the weekend of February 11 and headed up to Boston to compete in the annual Berklee High School Jazz Festival. Their efforts were highly rewarded: for the fourth year in a row, the Edgemont Vocal Jazz ensemble won first place in their category! The Edgemont Instrumental Jazz Band, which only recently started competing at Berklee, placed third in their category. In addition, several Edgemont students earned additional awards of distinction: Peter Hoerenz received two Judges Choice awards and two Outstanding Musicianship awards. Indigo Passariello received a Judges Choice award, a Superior Musicianship award, and was honored as a Top Ten Finalist in the Jazz Singers Showcase.


CATEGORY: Small Ensemble/Combo Class S3
DIRECTOR: John Catoliato
AWARD: Judges Choice Award: Peter Hoerenz
AWARD: Outstanding Musicianship Award: Peter Hoerenz

CATEGORY: Large Ensemble Class L5
DIRECTOR: John Catoliato
AWARD: 3rd Place
AWARD: Judges Choice Award: Peter Hoerenz
AWARD: Outstanding Musicianship Award: Peter Hoerenz

CATEGORY: Vocal Jazz Ensemble V3
DIRECTOR: Kelley Morse
AWARD: 1st Place
AWARD: Judges Choice Award: Indigo Passariello
AWARD: Superior Musicianship Award: Indigo Passariello

CATEGORY: Jazz Singers Showcase Finals
TOP TEN FINALIST: Indigo Passariello